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Discover award-winning, nationally accredited training in massage, beauty, and spiritual courses at venues across England, Scotland, and Ireland. Celebrating over 25 years of professional excellence.

Sue Bailey-Director, Founder/Owner

A message from the Founder, owner and Director of Gateway Workshops LTD.

Hello my name is Sue Bailey, thank you for visiting our site. I am the owner of Gateway Workshops™ and I have been promoting professional courses for over 25 years. We have a team of passionate and wonderful tutors who all work from the heart as I do and we also have amazing admin staff with Denise, Elizabeth and Victoria who also keep everything working like clockwork. I am blessed to have such wonderful people around me.

Our website makes it very easy & straightforward for you to book accredited recognised courses of your choice. Having been a tutor for over 8 years teaching Indian head massage and Reiki/Seichem Healing, during my time teaching I became aware of many students' upsetting stories telling me that their training elsewhere was disappointing.

I knew of many excellent tutors that perhaps did not have the time to promote themselves, I was asked for their contact details which took me on the next stage of my journey. I gave up teaching several years ago to dedicate myself to promoting others, that was back in 1998 and I have spent every year carefully selecting tutors of a very high standard to promote and building the company slowly to offer excellent accredited courses. Our website now has over 50 different attendance massage, beauty, holistic courses and also over 40 online courses on offer.

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I overcame ME and dealing with a back injury daily to start Gateway Workshops in London - I gave up being a therapist to grow my school then we moved to Brighton 15 years later. We love living in Brighton and enjoy long walks with our two wonderful and amazing dogs called Maisie and Ripley who we love to bits. I used to live in London but now live with my wife near the sea, which we love. It is very rewarding promoting the excellent courses we have on offer, making sure all students are guided to the right course and that their experience from start to finish is special.

Many people come to us from all walks of life - therapists, mothers, police men and women, staff from airlines, office workers, many looking for a change of career or the experienced therapist looking for further training & courses offering CPD points.

We have won many awards for our training and you will notice the difference when you train with us, we really care and look after you. We have many links on our website helping you with insurance, gaining clients, professional body information and much more which we hope you find helpful, take time to have a look around and if you have any questions feel free to email us, we are here to help.

I am passionate about our school which offers a team of special tutors; they all have excellent communicational skills, a wealth of knowledge and care with great passion. Over the last 25 years we have taught thousands of students from all over the UK and abroad.

The feedback over the years has been wonderful, thank you to all the students for sending us your comments. We are happy you come back to us to attend other courses due to your satisfaction and we are grateful for your recommendations to many others.

The service we offer assures you the student that we monitor the courses we promote very carefully, we look for the best and if this is not demonstrated we may choose not to promote that course again in the future.

We do our best to monitor feedback very closely as we aim to promote courses of a high standard so you will want to come back and book another course with us in the future. We are proud to say that the feedback has been excellent and we appreciate all the great emails we have received over the years.

We very much look forward to welcoming you on a course soon!

Warm wishes
Sue Bailey x

My Inspirations

My wife Jackie and co Director is an inspiration to me now just as much as when I first met her 20 years ago!

Jackie was a successful life coach and now is a writer/author.

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The positive people who have inspired me throughout my life are:

My Wife Jackie
Dr Joe Dispenza
Deepak Chopra
Wayne Dyer
Esther & Jerry Hicks
Neale Donald Walsch
Caroline Myss
Tony Robbins
Gill Hicks (a survivor of the London bombing)
Denise Linn
Louise Hay
Diana Cooper
Dan Millman
Gill Edwards
Iyanla Vanzant
Denis Murphy

The list is endless!

The books that have inspired me and are a must read!

The teachings of Abraham - Esther & Jerry Hicks
The Secret
Unconditional Life
The Celestine Prophecy
The way of the peaceful warrior
 Conversations with God
Anatomy of the Spirit
The Alchemist
The Field
Chicken soup for the soul
Energy medicine
Stepping into the magic
The Blame Game

Just so many to name!!

If you would like to see what our students have to say about our courses both good or bad when they fill out a feedback form if they are in agreement for it to be published you will be able to read this on our web site you can view them by clicking on the link below:

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