Course Content
Reiki/Seichem Healing is a gentle 'hands on' technique working with energy to release any blockages in the body.
You will take your Reiki Seichem healing to the next level once you have completed your levels 1 &2 you can then move onto the Masters level course. This course will allow you to run your own workshops and attune others after completing your training.
This course is accredited with the Reiki and Seichem Association UK.
RASA (Reiki and Seichem Association) is a Sanskrit word for "essence" and is a powerful system using all four healing elements. Promotes & accelerates the healing process, helping with stress.
Reiki/Seichem Healing is very powerful working on many levels; physical, mental, emotional & spiritual. It also promotes deep relaxation. Reiki is the attunement to the Earth energy & Seichem introduces the missing part of Air, Fire and Water using the four elements as a balanced energy healing system.
Once you have completed this course you can join the RASA (Reiki and Seichem Association) you will also be able to add this training to your therapy insurance.
Reiki healing can also be used on animals too.
Extra Frequently Asked Questions
Q. I'm attuned to Usui-Reiki II, and use various Rainbow Reiki techniques and Japanese techniques (e.g., hatsurei ho, reiji ho, byosen etc), and really want to expand my Reiki "toolbox" by learning Seichem. I know that Gateway teach both together, but why pay again for the Usui-Reiki I and II, when all I want is the Seichem part! Will you consider doing separate courses, so that I don't end up repeating myself?!
A. When you do one of our courses you are learning this system of Reiki which is different to the Usui system of Reiki so you will not be repeating anything this will become clear if you did your Usui Masters and then did the Reiki Masters the attunements are different.
Q. If I have already trained in Usui Reiki, what is the difference to include the Seichem?
A. Many teachers started with Usui Reiki which is excellent then are introduced to this system which does not take anything away from the Usui method. This system just adds to what you already have to make the system of healing you offer even stronger. It is excellent for those of you who have done Usui Reiki or just as good for those of you new to healing.The feedback from those who have already done Usui Reiki has been wonderful and when you then also get the extra missing elements of fire, air and water to add to the Reiki Earth the healing is so much more powerful for both yourself and your clients you will all notice the difference.Working with all four healing elements allows you to be able to have parts 1 & 2 on the same day. Alternatively you can do level one first and level two at a later date.
Q. Why are the prices for Reiki and Seichem so different - yours are very affordable!
A. Most people offer this on it's own for one price (similar to what we offer for both Reiki and Seichem) We offer both for half price as we have had requests for both and want it to be available to all for a sensible price instead of charging double for both.