Certificates are given on the day of training, a recognised Gateway Diploma qualification.
Our courses are approved and accredited by professional bodies/companies like ITEC, FHT, CTHA, Towergate, ABT and ThinkTree - Please check individual course pages regarding who accredits each one.
Our One Day Course certification is
not brand specific.
You will get a practitioner's certificate and it does NOT say one day course anywhere on it.
It is a professional practitioner’s certificate and the accreditation body logos are also on your certificate, showing who has approved it for insurance purposes.Trusted, Recognised & Insurable Courses on Government/Councils Approved Accredited list. If you are choosing a massage or beauty course, our courses are popular because the certification we give you allows a student to work with whichever particular brand they choose to purchase later and use with their clients.
Importantly, we teach effective and safe methods with products that our tutors love to use, but do not insist on the students who attend having to continue with any one given brand afterwards to gain insurance and use what they have learned with us professionally.
This then allows students to make their own choice of brand and also means that they are not tied by any particular brand when it comes to their insurance, so should they ever have a problem and if a claim is made and they have changed brand, they would still be covered, (please check this with your insurance provider) giving you a lot more flexibility.
This also means you are not tied into buying brands from us, which is very restrictive and only makes the school you are buying them from money but does not benefit you. This means the certificate you gain with us gives you the freedom to use whichever brand you wish, the tutors can guide you towards good products but ultimately it is your choice!
In some cases your insurance may be invalid if you train with a branded product detailed on your training certificate and you then change to another brand. However, providing non brand specific training allows us to offer our courses at a lower cost, allowing you to spend what is right for you on the necessary products rather than buying unnecessary and costly equipment.
The tutor will be happy to discuss products, prices and how much you can charge for the therapy on your training day. The tutor will also cover the insurance information for you, we receive a discount with a large insurance company covering our training for those of you new to this field or wanting to change to a new and more affordable cover.
Yes we do offer discounts for products you can use after your course - We have teamed up with some excellent companies to offer really good discounts to our students.
We give you all of this information in your course manuals you receive (included in the price of your course) on the day of your training.THE ITEC COURSES - THE CERTIFICATES ARE ISSUED BY ITEC